How to write a follow-up email with 8 samples and template

Learn how to write a follow-up email after no response with the help of our follow-up email samples and template.

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So you sent the perfect email hoping for a quick response, and 8 days later. still no reply. 😑

How to write a follow-up email

If your email has ever been ignored, a follow-up email can help get your conversation back on track.

As the name suggests, follow-up emails are reminders, prompts, and (very gentle) pushes to get a response. If the follow-up email does its job, you'll quickly find a reply ready and waiting in your inbox, and you can (quite literally) get back on with business!

In this ultimate guide on how to write follow-up emails, we delve into the format, breaking it down into sections. Then, we provide 8 follow-up email samples and finish with a 100% customizable template.

Let the email pros at Flowrite guide you through the process of creating fantastic follow-up responses that won't fail to get a reply!

Why send a follow-up email?

Consider the situation: You've emailed your boss with a question about a project.

Time is running out for you, but you're still waiting for a reply. What would you do?

It's easy to get frustrated and even angry if you feel ignored. But before you go nuclear, send a follow-up email. There are many reasons why you're email may have been unanswered, and you’ll never know if you don’t ask.

The hardest part of creating a follow-up email is to stay polite and professional, while pushing for an outcome. It's especially sensitive if you're pushing someone in power, like a boss, manager, director, or valued client.

The (not so secret) trick is to use the formal email structure and established follow-up email format. So let's get to it.

Follow-up email format

The follow-up email format is no mystery to anyone who creates messages for business. It uses the formal email format (you can read about that in our monster guide here!).

Follow-up emails are focused on getting an outcome.

Whether you're checking in after applying for a job or after sending your resume, it all starts with a strong subject line that grabs attention.

When they open the email, it's professional, personalized, and precise, focusing on your desired outcome. It ends with an outline of the next steps in the process and a suitable sign-off.

It sounds simple because it is! It's time to get into the details of how to draft a follow-up email, using a professional email format:

1. Follow-up email subject line

For every type of email, subject lines have to grab attention. They must express precisely what the message is about and encourage the reader to open it. Fulfilling these principles is a priority for follow-up emails, as your initial message was ignored. Don't make the same mistake again!

Keeping the subject line short, sweet, and simple is essential, advises Rebecca Zucker in the Harvard Business Review.

She suggests that 47% of all emails are discarded by having lousy subject lines. Don't make that mistake!

You can either be explicit about your request or not. Here are a few follow-up email subject line examples:

In case you're wondering, here are some terrible follow-up email subject lines that you should never use in any situation!

Want to learn how to start an email professionally and adequately? Check out our feature on how to start an email and how to introduce yourself effectively.

Let's start crafting a follow-up email together, starting with the subject line: