I need help with the Common App Testing Section

I took my first ACT with Writing on March 2nd, 2021, and got a composite score of 33 with an 8 in writing. I took another ACT without Writing on July 17, 2021, and got a composite score of 34 (E: 35, M: 36 R:31, S:36) I took my 5th ACT, one without Writing, on September 11, 2021, and got a composite score of 35 (E: 35, M: 35, R: 36, S:33). - Since I have taken writing, do I say I have taken the writing? - Is my writing score 8, or is it 24? - If so, then how many past scores do (should) I wish to report? 1, 2, or 3? - The Common App asks me for my highest section scores. But how will I tell them what my section scores were on my 35 ACT attempt? Or is that after I get admitted? - By telling Common App my highest section scores, am I also basically giving them my super score?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer @CameronBameron 2,265 answers, 8,647 votes • 3 years ago

Hi @shreyanp, this is exactly how you fill out the Common App with your ACT test scores. After you do this. Go to ACT.org, login in, and send your 36 Composite Superscore to all the colleges you are applying to, not all 4 test score options. This will reduce your test reporting costs by 67-75%, otherwise, you have to send 3 to 4 test scores to each college. ACT Tests Number of past ACT scores you wish to report (Put 3) Have you taken the ACT Plus Writing test?(YES) Number of future ACT sittings you expect (0) Highest composite score (36) Composite date (September 11, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Highest English score (35) English date (July 17, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Highest math score(36) Math date (September 11, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Highest reading score(36) Reading date(September 11, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Highest science score (36) Science date (July 17, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Highest writing score(8) Writing date (March 2, 2021) Date uses "month day, year" format (e.g. August 1, 2002) Good luck with the rest of your application and hopefully all this hard work will pay off for you when you get your decisions back.

@CameronBameron 3 years ago report

As the other respondent already answered, if a college doesn't superscore the ACT, then send in your 9/11 test. The 8 writing score really doesn't matter. It's not required and not a great score anyway as you know.

@ShravyaKakulamarri 3 years ago report

Hey @shreyanp! @CameronBameron and @brownbrudda123 answered your question really well, and I actually have nothing else to add! Congratulations on the great ACT scores!

[🎤 AUTHOR] @shreyanp 3 years ago report

For highest composite score, wouldn't I do 35, since I only have a 36 when superscored? also, my highest math score is a 35, not a 36, but I think I understand what you were saying for that part.

Add a comment @brownbrudda123 1 answer, 0 votes • 3 years ago

Hi there Shreyan! To answer your questions: The best thing to do while reporting your scores is to log in to the official ACT website (myact.org) and from there the site will tell you your super score. I say that since you have taken writing, you will want to report your score because there is no harm in doing so. Your writing score will be an 8 because that is your highest writing score. You cant report a 24 underneath the writing section because the scale itself is from 1-12. I recommend that you only submit one past score, and that score being your super score. If you want to submit your highest test scores, then I would not worry about telling them about your other individual section scores on your 35 ACT attempt. You received a 36 on your Math and Science during July, so I would just report those because it helps your college profile immensely. Yes, your highest section scores out of each test you took are your super scores. Your ACT super score should look like this: 36 Overall(Really Nice Work!) English: 35(September 11, 2021) Math: 36(July 17,2021) Reading: 36(September 11,2021) Science 36(July 17, 2021) Writing: 8(March 2, 2021) Hope this helps!

[🎤 AUTHOR] @shreyanp 3 years ago report

But what about colleges that don't accept superscore? Would I keep this the same for them? Currently, I have 35 being my highest composite score.

@brownbrudda123 3 years ago [edited] report

For colleges that do not accept superscore, then yes. You can submit your highest composite score to those colleges. Edit: You don't have to submit your writing score in this scenario

@junebug 3 years ago report

@shreyanp If I recall correctly, the common app will ask how many scores you wish to report, in which case you would click 2 (July and September). It will also ask for your superscore (36) as well as your highest composite (35), so that way both of them are in there. You can also send both the 34 and the 35 from the ACT website to colleges, and regardless of whether or not they superscore they will consider the highest scores in each category.

[🎤 AUTHOR] @shreyanp 3 years ago report

But since I am showing my writing score, wouldn't I say I am reporting 3 scores? Or is that not what it means?