New Bedsit Agreements

We have added four new Bedsit Tenancy Agreements to our Residential Landlords folder. These sit alongside our existing Flat and House Tenancy Agreements.

A bedsit is typically a self-contained unit comprising a living area and a sleeping area. The accommodation may include a small kitchen or kitchenette and/or bathroom facilities. Alternatively, kitchen and/or bathroom facilities may be shared with other occupiers of the house in which the bedsit is situated.

Because the nature of bedsit accommodation can vary, some bedsits will be separately rated for Council Tax purposes and others will not. We have therefore produced two Bedsit Agreements with an inclusive rent (where the Landlord pays the Council tax and other outgoings and the rent is increased to reflect this) and two Bedsit Agreements where the rent is exclusive of Council Tax and other outgoings.

Our Bedsit Tenancy Agreements are designed to take effect as Assured Shorthold Tenancies (ASTs) and there are versions for furnished and unfurnished properties.The Agreements are also suitable for use in circumstances where the letting is not an AST, for example because the tenant is not occupying the bedsit as his only or principal home. In such a case, the Agreement will take effect as a contractual tenancy (which means it can be terminated even more easily by the Landlord).

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

New Documents