Applicants for rental licenses must now use an online form to make their applications. Print applications are no longer accepted. This is to improve convenience for customers and to be consistent with other electronic processes.
The application is for the establishment or renewal of a single-family rental property, including detached dwellings, townhomes or condominiums.
To find the application form, visit and scroll to the bottom of the list on that page. For questions, please call 240-314-8200.
Changes are coming to Rockville Mayor and Council meetings, beginning Monday, Oct. 7. Visit for information about meetings and agenda, and to sign up for drop-ins. Mayor and Council meetings and proclamation presentations are broadcast on Rockville 11, channel
The summer saw Rockville receive grants that will allow the city to continue progress on its Climate Action Plan. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Transportation Planning Board approved$371,000 for the city to install up to four bikeshare stations in
The City of Rockville will mark the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and remember county residents who lost their lives with a ceremony at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11 at Courthouse Square Park, at the corner of East