Citrus Health Network offers primary medical and behavioral health services to people of all ages. With compassionate, personalized care to meet all kinds of health care needs starting at birth, Citrus is truly a medical family for clients.
Citrus Health Network provides services to adults and children across the range of behavioral health needs.
Compassionate, personalized care to meet all kinds of health care needs starting at birth.
We strive to recruit foster parents who serve children with emotional and behavioral needs.
We assist individuals and families in applying for Medicaid and KidCare, as well as other benefits such as food stamps and temporary cash assistance.
Can’t make it into one of our offices? We’ve got you covered with telehealth services.
With our sights set on helping those in need, we seek and manage resources in such a way as to continue demonstrating the ability to get the job done well and to respond to new areas of concern and opportunity.
Explore our news & events page for the latest updates on healthcare-focused events.
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